Let me start by saying that we LOVE Dr. P! Yesterday, we went in for our consultation for the next IVF cycle. We obviously had some questions written down about what could have potentially gone wrong in the last cycle and what we would change this time around. Well we really didn't even need our questions. Dr. Peters had already looked into our files and analyzed our past and most recent tests! He answered all our questions before I could even ask them. It was just so much different than what happened at RMA after a failed IUI cycle. At RMA, we just got a "sorry it didn't work out" and "when do you want to try again?" I'm just so thankful that we have someone like Dr. Peters who actually takes the time to sit and talk with us.
So Dr. Peters said that he was surprised that we didn't get pregnant last time and that our chances of getting pregnant this time around are looking pretty good. He said that everything on my end was great... great lining and great estrogen and progesterone levels. However, there MAY be a problem on Andrea's end. I emphasize that there MAY be a problem. Basically, since she doesn't get a period, they have to do bloodwork to see if they can figure out where she is in her cycle. Her most recent bloodwork showed a FSH level of 8.3. Anything above 10 is not good, so we're still below that... but it's a little high. However, he can't tell exactly where she is in her cycle. So while 8.3 is a bad number if she was actually on "Day 3", it is not such a bad number if it's "Day 7". The gist of what he was saying is that there could POSSIBLY be a problem with her eggs, but that it is not likely. And that really the only way to figure that out is to do another cycle. Luckily Andrea's insurance pays the cost of the retrieval, so we can definitely try again with her eggs! yay!!!!!
Today, we got our new calendars for the next cycle... looks like the shots will be starting close to the end of April. Can't wait!!! :) :) :)