Thursday, December 29, 2011
Dr. Peters - Round 3!
moving on... i have a confession to make, even though no one reads this.... if there is someone who eventually decides to read this from the beginning.... we decided back in november to use only andrea's eggs. are you shocked?? :) we initially were going to lie about it and say that we used one egg from each of us, because we didn't want our families and friends to get all wrapped up in who the biological mother is. we wanted to make sure that everyone saw this as OUR baby without getting into the technical stuff. but after thinking about it, that just didn't feel right. why lie about it? we should be confident in our decision about this! because it's a good decision! it's a way to make the baby a part of both of us... it's the perfect way to make it OUR baby. I will be the birth mother and andrea will be the biological mother. she's going to miss out on carrying, delivering, and breast feeding, so by using her eggs, she is able to play a much larger role in this pregnancy. how great is that!? i'm so thankful that we are able to conceive this way. sometimes, we get all wrapped up in the failed iui's, the money that we put out with no results, and just plain old negative thinking, but i'm starting to realize how lucky we are to be able to do the ivf this way. :)
another bonus in using andrea's eggs and my uterus is that we will be able to skip the second parent adoption process, which can cost about $3000. for under a thousand dollars, we will be able to get a lawyer to help us get a court order so that both names go on the birth certificate right away. we will be able to prove to the judge that both of us have a strong biological connection to the baby. whereas if we had gotten pregnant through iui, andrea would have had no biological connection.
today, we got our calendars that list the meds that we will have to take. i don't really have the energy to list all the meds right now for both of us, but let's just say that some days andrea has 4 injections! yikes! well that's all for now, we'll update soon! :)
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Dr. Peters - Round 2
Our next step is to meet with the financial people and the nurses to discuss money and meds. Our appointment is on Dec 28th. We also will be getting a few blood tests done for me related to my thyroid.
And we're on the schedule for a February cycle if all goes well!! Now that it's getting closer, I'm getting even more excited than before. However, I need to get back on track with the diet and other fertility boosting things. I've been a bit of a slacker with that because of the holidays. BUT, now Andrea gets to do all that fun stuff too! She's so excited! haha
Monday, November 28, 2011
Dr. Peters
Sunday, October 30, 2011
consultation scheduled!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Smile :)
Smile, though your heart is aching
When there are clouds in the sky
you’ll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You’ll see the sun come shining through
for you
Hide every trace of sadness Although a tear may be ever so near
That’s the time you must keep on trying
Smile what’s the use of crying
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile
If you’ll just
Friday, October 21, 2011
negative :(
so now, we're considering our options, we've narrowed it down to 2 options... either we switch to IVF, which we're finding is surprisingly attainable with a small loan, OR we try to do home inseminations and buy clomid online to help that process along. We're leaning toward IVF at this point with a new doctor (Jen and Sam's doctor). more details to come!
Optimism, miracles, slow ass doctors
So we had our blood test done this morning at like 6:45 AM, it's now 2:15 PM and we still don't have results. "Normally" they call us with results on any kind of blood test within a reasonable time frame, but lately they seem to not be too on top of things. As if the 2 week wait wasn't long enough, now they also insist making us wait several torturous hours to hear whether we are pregnant or not! Every time I get a text message from Marisa I cross my fingers before reading it hoping that it's the results of our pregnancy test, but until this point... nothing.
This morning after the negative home pregnancy tests I was feeling incredibly discouraged, however after waiting all day my optimism has shot right back up again. There could still be a chance! Miracles can happen, the fortune cookie said so!
I hope we hear something soon, I can't take waiting anymore.
2 Week Wait: Day 14
Paper and plastic pregnancy test results for the day: negative. We are currently sitting in the doctors office waiting to be called to have the blood test done. We won't find out the results of that until later this afternoon though. Even with the at-home pregnancy tests being negative there is still a chance that the blood test will be a positive. We're waiting for that miracle!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
2 Week Wait: Day 13
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
2 Week Wait: Day 12
Paper and plastic pregnancy test results of the day: negative. Marisa passed out around like 8:00 tonight, so she's definitely not feeling any more energized. We've again been looking up pregnancy symptoms and what-not because all of the negative tests are starting to get a little discouraging. It turns out that there are people who take an at home pregnancy test on the day of their blood test and get a negative on the at home one, but a positive on the blood test. So that's encouraging! Only 2 more days!!!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
2 Week Wait: Day 11
Paper and plastic pregnancy test results of the day: negative. Marisa is still constantly exhausted and still has a "rash" on her chest. We're back to googling crazy things again, it's really no use though because no two people seem to have the same symptoms, and all it does is drive us crazy. 3 days to go!
Monday, October 17, 2011
2 Week Wait: Day 10
Paper and plastic pregnancy test results of the day: negative. Marisa has a rash on her chest today. We aren't really sure what to call it as it doesn't itch, and it looks more like acne then a rash, but it isn't acne. 4 more days to go!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
2 Week Wait: Day 8
Plastic and paper pregnancy results of the day: negative. Now it looks as though the HCG is out of her system. What a crazy long day it's been too! This morning we walked In a 5K for breast cancer, followed by an evening of fall foliage viewing with Marisa's parents. Tomorrow we will be doing a corn maze and carving pumpkins with friends! We've been doing pretty good this 2ww, at least as far as not going insane. Part of it is probably taking the pregnancy tests everyday, and the other part of it is probably how busy we've been keeping ourselves.
Friday, October 14, 2011
2 Week Wait: Day 7
1 week down, 1 to go. Today's pregnancy test was an interesting one... It was positive. We are sure that it showed positive because of the hcg shot even though yesterday was a negative, and here is why. We have been doing these daily pregnancy tests that are pretty much like a piece of paper. Today Marisa took one of the paper tests and it came out negative (as it did yesterday) in addition to taking a "regular" plastic pregnancy test, which came out positive. It's quite possible that the only reason we got negatives on the paper tests was because there is such a small amount of hcg in her system that it didn't show up, where as maybe the platic tests are more sensitive? For the next 7 days ( the remainder if the 2 week wait!!!!) we will be taking a paper test and a plastic test every day. Keep your fingers crossed!!!!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
2 Week Wait: Day 6
Pregnancy test result of the day: negative. It looks like the hcg shot is now out of Marisa's system, so now we are hoping for the tests to start reading positive again!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
2 Week Wait: Day 5
Pregnancy test of the day: positive. The line seems to be getting lighter so I'm expecting a negative any day now. Marisa was very tired again today. Not much else to report on.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
2 Week Wait: Day 4
Monday, October 10, 2011
2 Week Wait: Day 3
Pregnancy result for the day - positive. We aren't quite sure if it's the pregnancy tests that we purchased or what, but the result lines are very faint and almost hard to read. This of course could also be a result of the HCG shot making it's way out of Marisa's system too. Who knows? We also had a DRs appointment this morning to check her progesterone levels. The DR likes the progesterone level to be at 8, and Marisa's level was 7.9- so close, but not quite. So it's back on the progesterone suppositories again, which really isn't a big deal- Marisa's a pro by now lol.
I was looking for a YouTube video today that basically explains this whole process a little better and what we are waiting for at this point. Most couples just have sex and then magically are pregnant. We inseminate, wait for the sperm and the egg to meet up, and then after that we wait for the fertilized egg to stick to the endometrium. Anyway, just watch the video... it explains it much better then what I can.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
2 Week Wait: Day 2
Today's pregnancy test result: positive. This is still due to the HCG shot, and we are waiting for it to leave her system. Not much else to report on today, until tomorrow..
Saturday, October 8, 2011
2 Week Wait: Day 1
So here we are again in a two week wait, I've decided this go-round to blog every day during the two week wait for two reasons. One, to keep sanity. And two, to document how we plan on keeping sanity by taking a pregnancy test every day. More on that later.
Yesterday was our second insemination day. We got a little bit of a late start in the morning because I insisted on pre-ordering the iphone 4s before leaving for the doctor. Oops! The "swimmers" were a higher count than the day before so that was working in our favor, but the nurse had a problem getting the catheter past Marisa's cervix. Apparently it had moved from the day before? Some things I didn't even know were possible. Anyway, the nurse was awesome and navigated her way through and everything worked out. This was the 6th insemination and the 3rd cycle of trying, and I am convinced that this is it. This is the cycle we get pregnant.
Back to the sanity part of this post. We have decided to take a pregnancy test every day of the two week wait in order to have some kind of idea as to what is going on. The first couple of tests will come out positive because of the Ovidrel shot that Marisa had to take to ensure that she ovulated. Then we will get negative tests once that is out of her system, and then hopefully positive tests again (when we are actually pregnant!!!!!!). While this isn't a fail safe plan it does give us something to look forward to and will keep us feeling a little less helpless during these two weeks. Everyday I will be posting the update on the results of the pregnancy tests so that we can keep track of it as well as continue to fill you in on this little journey we are on. So day 1 pregnancy test result: positive.
In other news our friends gave birth to a little boy today and we couldn't be happier for them! We can't wait to meet him!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
IUI - Round 1
anyway, i'll be back in there tomorrow! then the dreaded 2ww!!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
let's do this! :)
however, we're staying positive this month! and in the spirit of staying positive, we thought of all the things that I have been doing to prepare my uterus, fallopian tubes, etc (like the castor oil packs, fertility yoga, fertility self massage, eating wheat and dairy free, and the list goes on). we figured that follicles are only a fraction of this process. having a healthy, happy, inviting uterus is just as important, if not more! and my uterus is definitely healthy, happy, and inviting! lol! plus, our chance of conceiving is already higher since this is our third try! so we'll be inseminating on thursday and friday.
so, here we go again! i think we're still just as excited as we were when we tried the first time. now we just have to stay positive, hopeful, and stress free during the impending 2ww! :)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Day 1!
ahhhhhh! this is it! it's going to work this time!!! =P
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
quick update...
anyways, that's your 1-minute update... more information to come, once we hit the next cycle!! :)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
skipping this cycle
then i researched herbs and supplements. I started taking an "ultragreens" supplement, which is basically all kinds of dark green leafy vegetables and fruits that are in a powder form. you can mix the powder with any drink. the drink is to ensure that i have plenty of green vegetables in my diet. it's definitely an acquired taste since the particles don't really dissolve, but i know it's good for me, so i drink it everyday. I also started drinking 2 cups of red raspberry leaf tea, which is supposed to help prepare your body for conception. I also ordered an herbal regimen off this website that i found. the regimen is supposed to be good for people taking clomid. since i will be taking 100mg of clomid this time, these herbs will not interfere with it. the herbs are alfalfa leaf, red raspberry leaf, evening primrose oil, b6, folic acid, and flax seed oil. in addition to taking pre-natal vitamins! each of these herbs has a specific range of days when i have to take it. i did a little of my own research on each herb to make sure that they were all okay to take. I made a few slight adjustments, and so now i'm ready to go with the herbs once i hit day 1 of my next cycle.
I also ordered 30 pregnancy test! don't worry they only cost $28 total! what a steal! our plan is that after the insemination, we are going to test everyday. initially they will be positive from the hcg in the ovidrel shot. then we will get a negative probably around day 10, which tells us that the ovidrel is out of my system. if i get a positive after that, it means that we are pregnant. i'm going to be charting my temperature as well so i purchased 2 digital thermometers. right now i'm taking my temperature every morning, but not really charting it. just trying to get in the habit of waking up every morning.
my most recent order includes castor oil and a flannel pack to be used with the castor oil as well as a heating pad. on my fertility self massage dvd, she explains that it's good to use a castor oil pack before doing the fertility self massage. first you have to put the castor oil on the flannel, lay it across your lower abdomen, place the heating pad on top if it, and then cover it with a towel. you just lay there for about 30 minutes, and then start the massage. the massage and the castor oil and supposed to help prepare your uterus for conception. I also ordered a yoga dvd called "bend, breathe, and conceive". so i'm pretty exited about that! and i just ordered more ultragreens so i don't run out.
so i think it's safe to say that with all these things and the 100mg of clomid, that we have a pretty good shot for the next cycle. we tried to increase the clomid to 150mg to increase our chances of producing multiple follicles, but the nurse said it was too risky to jump from 50mg to 150 mg without trying 100mg in between. however, she also mentioned that if we are not happy with the results of the 100mg of clomid (not enough follicles), then we can cancel the iui and try 150mg for the next cycle. andrea and i have decided that if i still only have one follicle then we are going to cancel. if i have two follicles, they would have to both be over 17mm for us to try. if the follicle are too small, then they are not considered "viable". if we have 3 or more viable follicles, then we will be thrilled!
so we shall see what happens. but i know we're doing everything possible (that i can afford!) to prepare for conception! :)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Today we got a BFN or as I like to call it, "big fucking negative" on our pregnancy test. It's very disappointing to again not be pregnant, however we are just that much closer to actually getting a positive test. After getting home from the doctor today (prior to finding out the results) Marisa had started to bleed more, and so part of finding out that the test was negative was a relief because we knew that if it had actually been a positive that there was definitely something wrong. So needless to say Marisa got her period today. We won't be trying in the month of September as it is the beginning of the school year and Marisa has a lot to focus on with that, but you can bet that we will be trying in October. Third times a charm, right?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
so, this is your TMI alert.... the following info may be Too Much Information, so you can skip this part if you so desire. but i'm still posting it on here because i want this blog to be as "real" as possible....
last night, i had some beige discharge. from what i had read up until this point, this discharge could mean implantation, which would be great! however, the weird part is that throughout the day today the color and amount changed from hour to hour, anything from brown to red in color and from a "decent amount" to nothing. so strange! In addition to the "spotting", I have also had some cramping and a loss of appetite.
andrea read up on it, and apparently it could be one of three things (in order from best to worst)... implantation, my period, or an ectopic pregnancy. there are also different things that could change the color, but that's too much to go into on here. if you're dying to know, look it up. :)
anyway, at this point i don't know what to think! I'm pretty sure i'm driving myself nuts, but i'm really trying my best to take it easy. so i'm going in for the pregnancy test tomorrow and i'm hoping that it shows that i'm definitely pregnant, but who knows! not sure if i should feel happy, sad, scared, indifferent, etc.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
so the wait continues! one more week to go! it's going to be a busy week which is actually a good thing. hopefully, we'll be so busy we won't be thinking about the 2ww. we have an exciting wedding this saturday, pride in the park on sunday, and then i'm actually back to work on monday, tuesday, and wednesday for inservice days, and kindergarten orientation on wednesday evening. so that takes us right up to our thursday morning pregnancy test!
in other news... yesterday which was 11 months after our wedding, we decided to make it "official" in nyc! so now we have an actual marriage certificate! it was such a great day! we were exhausted and definitely tired of waiting around all day, but it was all worth it. :) <3 you boo!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
since, we didn't do acupuncture this time, i'll be eating a lot of pineapple and sunflower seeds, which supposedly help with implantation. cross your fingers!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Try #2, day #2
So here we are on the 2nd day of our 2nd insemination. I'm currently sitting in my car in the parking lot at the fertility center with Marisa reclined in the seat next to me listening to her iPod and meditating, so I thought I would use this time to explain the process of what we go through each time we "try" to get pregnant.
First we wait for Marisa's cycle to start, on day 1 we call the doctor to let her know this has happened, and on day 3 we go to the Dr. for an ultrasound. This ultrasound is done to make sure everything is okay and that there are no cysts. We also get 2 prescriptions this day, one for Ovidrel and one for Clomid. The Clomid are pills that Marisa has to take from days 3-7, and we pick them up at our local pharmacy. The Ovidrel is a shot that needs to be mail ordered, so at this point we have to call them to arrange delivery because it has to stay refrigerated. At this time we also have to call the cryobank to arrange the delivery of our specimans to the Dr.
On day 12 we go back to the Dr. for another ultrasound, this one is to check for follicles, and to see how many there are and how big they are. The number and size of follicles you produce will determine how many and how healthy your eggs that are being released are. Typically women only produce one follicle on their own, but with the assistance of a drug like Clomid they can grow multiple follicles. Our first try (a natural cycle with no Clomid) Marisa had one healthy follicle at 19, and this try she has 1 healthy follicle at 24- so while she still only grew one follicle even with the help of Clomid, it is much larger than last time we tried, and therefor more capable of producing a stronger egg.
So anyway, on day 12 we find out when we can start insemination, which has typically been the following two days. That night we go home and Marisa has to give herself a shot in the stomach (this is the Ovidrel shot) which will guarantee that she ovulates during the next 24 hours. The next two days (insemination days) are exactly the same. We get up and go into the doctor at 7 am to sign off on paperwork and labels for the vials. We then get to leave the Dr., but have to be back by 8:30 for the insemination. This time period usually consists of me going to dunkin donuts and getting a coffee, and then sitting in my car in the parking lot of the Drs. office while Marisa meditates and tries to relax in the passenger seat next to me (this is where I am right now). At 8:30 we go back in to the Dr. and start the insemination. The actual insemination takes about 5 minutes, and then we relax in the room for an additional 10 minutes just to give the swimmers a chance to figure out where to go. As I said, we do this same thing 2 days in a row, and then 3 days after this we need to go back to the Dr. to have Marisa's progesterone levels checked. This is a blood test they do this to make sure that there is a healthy environment for a fertilized egg to latch onto, and if the level isn't high enough she will have to use progesterone suppositories (she did on our first try).
We have to wait 2 weeks from the date of our 2nd day of insemination to go back to the Dr. to have a pregnancy test done. Those two weeks are the hardest, especially since we now found that Marisa gets pregnancy symptoms from the Ovadrel shot and the progesterone even if she isn't pregnant- so it's almost a false sense of security. So that's the process, a lot of work isn't it? This just goes to show you how badly we want to have children. I have to go now, it's time to inseminate!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
one follicle
now i have to do the hcg shot tonight at 8:30pm, and then insemination tomorrow and thursday. so of course, as usual, i can't pull myself away from reading fertility blogs, message boards, etc! we're hoping for a positive this cycle!!!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
on tuesday, aug 9th, we go in for the next ultrasound. hopefully, we will be able to inseminate on wednesday and thursday, which ironically is the 10th and 11th of the month, the same dates as last month. i'm hoping that taking clomid, robitussin, and eating lots of yams will help make it happen this month! i smile just thinking about it!
on another note, i had a dream last night that i had 4 follicles! lol one was 26 mm and one was 22 mm and the other two were in the teens. i apparently have very specific dreams about follicles now! weird... i didn't even know what a follicle was a few months ago!
more info to come in the next few days!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Back at it again...
So this morning we went to the doctor for another day 3 ultrasound and it looks like we will be able to start trying again this month!!!!!!!!! It seems like we just did this, but it's kind of nice not having to just sit around and wait. The doctor gave Marisa a prescription for Clomid that she will be taking for the next 5 days (this will cause her body to release more eggs and make the chances of getting pregnant better). Once we are back from vacation we get to go back to the doctor for another ultrasound to determine what day we start inseminations. We're just as excited to try as we were the first time, even maybe more-so because now we are SO ready! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
thinking about names..... again
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Bad day
So as Marisa said in the last post, we got a negative result to the pregnancy test from yesterday. While both of us are very fortunate in this whole process that there isn't anything wrong health-wise, getting a negative result is completely heartbreaking. Yesterday was rough. While staying positive throughout the two week wait, we also thought we were prepared if the test result was a negative, but the truth is nothing can really prepare you for that. It's really difficult to grasp the fact that people "just get pregnant" or that it happens "accidentally" and we are trying so hard. I know that one of these times we will get pregnant, its just a little discouraging when it doesn't happen. We will get through this though, and everything always works it's way out in the end.
Monday, July 25, 2011
negative... :'(
i decided that i'm going to use clomid for the next cycle. andrea was fine with this decision, too. i know that we only tried once, but i think i want to increase my chances as much as possible without going too crazy. and clomid seems to be a good option.
in the meantime, i pretty much don't feel like doing much of anything on this sad, sad, rainy day. andrea and i had decided a couple days ago to go out to dinner tonight regardless of the results of the pregnancy test. but i'm not sure if i want to go anymore. i don't know if it will make me feel better (because the food is delicious!) or worse (because this could have been a celebratory dinner, and now it's just dinner).
i know what i should do... and that is stop feeling so bad about this and realize that it happens to most people. most people do not get pregnant on their first try... but i just really really wanted it to work so bad. so i guess that although i'm terribly disappointed, i need to remain hopeful.
Monday, July 18, 2011
on monday july 11th, our second insemination, i had some pretty hardcore cramping. if i am pregnant i'm pretty sure that it all started on the 11th rather than the 10th. since then, i've been tired, moody, hungry, dehydrated, and occasionally crampy. i'm also breaking out on my chest and back with these tiny little pimples, most of which you can't see but you can feel them. thats probably tmi, but oh well! so you might think, "oh she sounds pregnant". but no, you can get these same symptoms from the ovidrel shot too. so we're stuck waiting until the 25th to find out.
on the 14th, i went to get blood work done to check my progesterone level. apparently my level was a 5 and they would like to see it more like an 8. so now i have to take medicine for that too. however, as i was reading about it i found that most people do take medication to raise their progesterone, so i was feeling better about it after hearing that.
at this point we just have to wait... which is almost worse than when we were busy getting all kinds of tests done! i'm obviously busy with my class at ku, but when i'm there, all i can think about is taking a pregnancy test! =P so when i get home, i try to relax and stay stress free. i do a little meditation and take a little nap and maybe do a little cleaning. but i just want the "2ww" to end soon... with a positive!!
i'll be holding my breath until july 25th!!!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
we did it!
so on saturday when we went in for the ultrasound and the doctor told us that we would be ready to start insemination on sunday, we were both so excited that when the doctor left the room we started dancing around. the rest of the day was filled with loving glances at each other follow by "we're going to make a baby!"
on sunday we were getting ready to leave for the doctor's office to go inseminate and marisa goes, "i'm surprised you didn't make a mix cd for this... you make a mix cd for everything!" all i could do was start laughing, because i had in fact made a mix cd to listen to on the way to the doctor's office. in case your curious, here's the track list... and in case you couldn't figure it out, the them is baby lol.
• All My Life - KCI and JoJo (this song is just on here for the beginning where they start saying baby over and over again lol)
• Baby Baby- Amy Grant
• Baby Baby Baby - TLC
• Baby - Justin Bieber
• Be My Baby - The Ronettes
• Hey Baby - No Doubt
• Pretty Baby - Vanessa Carlton
• Always Be My Baby - Mariah Carey
• Push It - Salt-N-Pepa (Marisa was a little confused by this one at first because all she could think of was the part where they say, "push it real good" and i had to remind her of the "ooh baby baby, ba-baby-baby"
• Baby Mine - Bette Midler
• Baby, I Love Your Way - Big Mountain
• Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns n' Roses
do I like all of the songs on there? not necessarily, however i knew i had made the right decision in making the mix when we started singing along to "Always Be My Baby" at the top of our lungs so early in the morning.
it really is the little things, and i'm so glad that marisa and i can have these moments together and that one day we'll be able to share them with our child :)
and now the wait begins!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
here we go!
i missed a few things here, so let me backtrack... i set up an appointment for saturday (yesterday) and monday (tomorrow) for acupuncture. yesterday's acupuncture appointment was amazing! so relaxing and stress-relieving! so i was already feeling pretty good. I couldn't go in for an appointment today because they are not open, but i have these apps for my ipod that help you meditate and relax, so i did one for a half hour before the insemination and one for a half hour afterwards. overall today has been a very relaxing and stress-free day, which is pretty important at this point!
i also had to give myself the ovadrel shot to make sure that I was ovulating. long story short, it wasn't that difficult. the only thing that was a pain is that my insurance wouldn't cover it, unless i filled the prescription through mail-order which obviously wasn't going to happen because it needed it right then. so hopefully if i need this shot again, we can figure it out ahead of time so that we don't have to use our own money for something that the insurance would have covered. this is mostly my nurse's fault. :) even though she was assigned to me, she "drops the ball" a lot. we actually call her a "unicorn" because she's like a fantasy character... we weren't sure if she existed for a while because we never actually saw or talked to her. at this point, i've obviously talked to her and i've seen her once, but i feel like i get more information from some of the other people there. and technically, she should be the one passing along important information. she's on vacation this week, so she wasn't even there today. and actually, our doctor wasn't there either, we had another doctor, for today and yesterday, who we kind of liked even better.
anyway, tomorrow we inseminate again at around 8:15-8:30. :D and then another acupuncture appointment around 12:30. we could not be happier at this point! and we are thinking positive thoughts and hoping, wishing, praying for the absolute best outcome!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
getting closer...
since we're not using fertility drugs (although we might, if it doesn't work after a couple times), we found out that acupuncture helps to increase your chances of trying to conceive and helps to eliminate stress. i read about the benefits on several different websites. plus, we actually know another couple who had an acupuncture treatment before and after their IVF and they are now pregnant! (so happy for them, btw!)
so our schedule for the next few days is pretty jam-packed! we have one or possibly two ultrasounds, two inseminations if everything looks good, two or possibly three acupuncture appointments, a birthday party, a bridal shower, a double date, and a partridge in a pear tree!!
Monday, July 4, 2011
cross your fingers!
however, since there is some confusion about which day is "day 1", she wants us to go in on saturday, july 9 for an ultrasound and then depending on the results one of two things could happen. 1) we need to come back on sunday for another ultrasound and then hopefully inseminate on monday and tuesday OR 2) everything looks good on saturday so we have to come back to inseminate on sunday and monday
in other news, after a long time on the phone last week, we bought 10 vials of sperm. we had two donors in mind. one who was pretty much just like andrea, same ethnicity, same interests, same features. the other donor had similar ethnicity and features, but very different interests and beliefs. i told andrea that either one of the donors is fine with me. the donor we decided on was the latter. even though he had different interests and beliefs, the good thing about him is that his parents have four sets of twin siblings. and two couples who had used him shared that they were pregnant with multiples. one who had twins and one who had triplets. i think this was what caught andrea's attention. ;) she's all about getting the most bang for her buck! although, i'm pretty excited at the prospect of having twins too!
more updates to follow next week. until then we'll be doing four things... thinking positively, staying stress-free, praying, and crossing our fingers!! :)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
we have three things left on our "to do" list... first, on june 20th, we are going to the counselor which is a weird requirement but whatever. then my thyroid levels will need to be checked again at the end of the month. and then we need to pick some sperm! ha!
in other news, i'm pretty sure that my favorite names are Eden Quinn for a girl and Augusten Lee for a boy! =P
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
for today, my favorite names are...
what's your favorite name today?
Violet Anastasia
Violet Belle
Eden Quinn
Scarlet Monroe
Augusten Lee
Grayson Cole
Julian Thomas
So yeah, there you have it! Also... it looks like we may start trying in July instead of August! How exciting!!!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
possible names
For a girl...
Right now we really like the name "Violet"! SO this is what I like to call the "Violet Collection" haha
-Violet Elise
-Violet Rayne
-Violet Jane
-Violet Annabel
-Violet Anastasia
-Violet Janelle
-Violet Belle
-Violet Noelle
However, we do like other names besides Violet. Here they are...
-Harper Annabel
-Delainey Monroe - Lanie for short (My Favorite!!)
-Eden Valencia
-Eden Quinn
-Tori Brielle
-Imogen Clover
-Scarlet Monroe
-Cordelia Quinn
-Ivy Brielle
For a boy...
There are not as many. Here they are in no particular order... but at the moment, I like Julian and Graham the best for a first name. That could always change tomorrow!! ha!
-Elliot Garrison
-Augusten Drake
-Augusten Lewis
-Augusten Lee
-Grayson Parker
-Grayson Cole
-Grayson Edward
-Graham Douglas
-Graham Owen
-Graham Alexander
-Julian Mitchell
-Julian Thomas
-Julian Graham
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
new chapter
M had her HSG test yesterday and handled the whole thing like a trooper. She's definitely the stronger of the two of us as far as tolerance for pain goes. I admire her so much for everything that she has to go through in order for us to have children. I know she will be an amazing mother and I cannot wait to share the experience of parenthood with her.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
the dye test
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
still haven't heard back from the doctor about the new synthroid medicine, of course! grr! i'll give them until tomorrow before i unleash my wrath... ha!
in other news, i found a list of foods that you can eat before getting pregnant if you want to have a baby girl. now... i will be happy as long as we have a healthy baby, regardless of the sex, BUT i would prefer to have a girl. :) anyway, apparently if i eat fish, chocolate, and fresh fruits and veggies, i would be more likely to have a girl. but it seems like this week, i'm doing the complete opposite! between the brazilian steakhouse on good friday (yes, i know!) and then all the kielbasa, ham, and pork leftovers from easter, it'll never happen!
tomorrow, it's back to the usual diet... salad, carrots, edamame beans, fruit, and maybe even some sushi!
Monday, April 25, 2011
today, i went in to get blood work done. generally everything was great... minus my thyroid issue. so now i just have to wait for the family doctor to adjust my medication. but of course, no one can call you back when they say, so i guess i'll be calling again tomorrow.
the next step is the dye test (HSG) next tuesday. shouldn't be too bad... i'm tough! :)