Thursday, December 22, 2011

Dr. Peters - Round 2

So our second appointment with Dr. Peters was this past Monday, the 19th.  It went well!  He said that Andrea's eggs are good to use.  He couldn't tell us the exact FSH level because he thinks she did the test at the wrong time.  But with no cycle, it's hard to predict when blood work should be done.  But based on the results, he could tell she was towards the end of a cycle (her FSH was low and her Prog. was high).  So she went to get blood work done again on Tues.

Our next step is to meet with the financial people and the nurses to discuss money and meds.  Our appointment is on Dec 28th.  We also will be getting a few blood tests done for me related to my thyroid.

And we're on the schedule for a February cycle if all goes well!!  Now that it's getting closer, I'm getting even more excited than before.  However, I need to get back on track with the diet and other fertility boosting things.  I've been a bit of a slacker with that because of the holidays.  BUT, now Andrea gets to do all that fun stuff too!  She's so excited!  haha

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