Wednesday, June 13, 2012

IVF Round 2!!

Wow!  It’s been forever since we posted last!  So much has happened!  Let’s begin with the retrieval.  So Andrea’s stim meds were amped up this time.  During the ultrasounds leading up to the retrieval, the follicles were bigger than last time and there were slightly more of them (last time, we had 11 and this time we had 13).  This was all good news, but we had expected for there to be much more with using more meds this time.  The retrieval was supposed to be either June 1st or June 2nd.  However, based on Andrea’s levels, they pushed it back to June 4th so that she didn’t hyperstim after doing the HCG shot.  On the retrieval day, they got 13 eggs, only 5 of them were good eggs and all 5 fertilized.  So it was very similar to last time.  Dr. Peters explained to Andrea that at this point, he thinks there is an egg issue.  He said that for someone her age, the last protocol of meds should have been enough to produce more good eggs, and that the amount of meds that were used THIS time definitely should have been enough to produce more.  With that said, he reassured us that the eggs that did make it, were good quality.  So that was good!

Moving ahead to the day of the transfer… we did a day 5 transfer this time.  If you remember, last time we did a day 6 transfer, which is still good, but it’s much better to have a day 5 transfer.  So the transfer happened on Saturday, June 9th.  We were the only patients in there for the day, so Dr. P, the nurse, and the lab lady were all there basically for us.  When Dr. P called me in the morning, he mentioned that there were 3 good blasts and that the other 2 weren’t really doing much.  So again, this news was very similar to last time.  BUT, I was surprised when he suggested that we transfer 3 this time!!  And Dr. P is pretty conservative!  The 3 that we had were… a perfect grade 1 blast, a grade 1 early blast, and a grade 3 early blast.  He said that it is unlikely that all 3 will stick, but that there was a possibility.  He also said that our chances of having twins would be increased.  Andrea and I considered these things and pretty much agreed without hesitation that we would transfer 3 embryos this time!  We want to make a baby!  If that means that we are blessed with 3 babies at once, I would gladly welcome that challenge!!  How wonderful it would be to have a complete family in an instant!

Our 3 little ones!!  That's right, we transferred 3 this time!

The transfer went smoothly (once my bladder filled up) and then we were on our way!  This time, I was much more relaxed than last time, so that can only help things!  Dr. P came in to talk to us before he left and wished us luck.  He’s such an amazing doctor… just a genuinely caring and nice guy.  The next day, we got a call saying that one more embryo made it to blast and so they would be freezing it.  So now we have a total of 3 frozen embryos.  

So now here we are in a “wait” again.  I’ve been doing a lot of resting.  I actually didn’t do anything the day of the transfer or the following 2 days.  Then I started doing little things around the house.  It was nice just relaxing at first, but I would get a little bored from time to time, just being here by myself watching tv.  So it was good to be able to start doing little things again. 

Our pregnancy test is scheduled for the 19th, the day after Andrea’s birthday!  I’m refusing to take home pregnancy tests this time because all they do is freak me out and drive me nuts.  I’m also not google-ing anything related to pregnancy symptoms.  In fact, I’m avoiding even talking about “symptoms”.  The reason why… everyone’s “symptoms” are different and what is a symptom of pregnancy for one person is a symptom of not being pregnant for another person.  Also, plenty of people have no symptoms at all and are VERY pregnant… with multiples!  Many people say that this is too early to get any real symptoms.  And let’s not forget that many of the drugs that are used in the IVF process cause you to have the same sort of "symptoms" as being pregnant.  There's just too many variables!!  So for my own sanity, this time, I’m banning myself from google (as far as pregnancy is concerned).  AND I’m not taking home pregnancy tests. 

I even banned Andrea from asking me about “symptoms”.  She can ask how I’m feeling, but that’s about it.  I’m trying to stay as busy and positive as possible.  I think I’m doing pretty well in that area so far.  But we’ll see how I’m doing in a couple days as the pregnancy test is within sight, buuuuttt not quite there yet.  =P

Just one funny side note before I go… check out the license plate on the car that I was behind on my way home yesterday.  Could be a sign of things to come!!

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