Monday, January 9, 2012

Good Eggs

Andrea here. I'm due for a post and haven't really said much since we switched to Dr. P so here we go.

First of all, Dr. P and his staff are soooo wonderful, from the nurses to the secretaries. They know your name when you go in there and actually care about you as a patient, Dr. P even draws pictures for us and makes sure that we fully understand things - all of this is such a breath of fresh air compared to our last Doctor who rolled her eyes at us when we asked questions. The changing of Doctors is giving us a renewed hope overall, and we both once again have the feeling of "this is it, this is the time we are going to get pregnant!" Had we decided to stick with RMA for the IVF I think we still would have felt hopeless. It's hard to stay optimistic when you have no faith in a doctor.

Other big news that may be redundant because Marisa already mentioned it, is that we are now using my eggs! Honestly, I never thought this would be a possibility and am completely overjoyed that it is. I am physically unable to carry children mostly due to a pulmonary embolism (related to a hit and run- as a pedestrian) and a uterine ablation that was a result of the PE. I had resigned myself to the fact that I would never physically have children, and kind of left it at that. At our consultation Dr. P mentioned that we could use my eggs in Marisa as long as I still had good eggs. Scenes from Willy Wonka with Veruca Salt and the "egg-dicator" kept flashing through my mind. Would I have good eggs (ding!) or bad ones (honk!honk!)? Thankfully the tests came back saying they were good eggs (ding!)

With the previous IUI's we had obviously been using Marisa's eggs, and if we had conceived a child through that method -first of all we would have been completely thrilled, but I then would have had to go through the steps of a second parent adoption which luckily is available in the great state of Pennsylvania, (however the costs would have been upwards of $3000 in addition to what we've been spending to get pregnant, and there would have also been invasive requirements such has home studies and background checks). This way Marisa will be the birth mother and I will be the biological mother and we will be able to apply for a court order so that both of our names will be on the birth certificate at birth. How exciting! I also feel like I now have a bigger role then what I did before. I mean don't get me wrong, I was super involved before to the point where even if Marisa just needed to get blood taken I would go to the doctors office with her, but now it's a part of me as well. I am getting blood tests done, I am taking pre-natal vitamins.. and come February I am going to probably be either an emotional wreck or a raging bitch because of all of the hormones that I will be on, but it is all going to be worth it. I just keep thinking how amazing this whole thing is going to be for the both of us, not just it being my eggs, but for Marisa to be carrying our child for 9 months and it really being a part of both of us!

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