Friday, January 27, 2012

Recent Articles, etc.

There seem to be a lot in the news lately about infertility and also about gays parenting and IVF and so I thought I would share two articles on it.

Gay Parents Better Than Straight Parents? What Research Says
There are definitely no accidental pregnancies with gay couples - so obviously we really have to want to have a child to go through all that we do to have one.

Researchers Say 3 Embryos Is Too Many For IVF
We are planning on doing a 2 embryo transfer as long as everything works out okay. It's a perfect number in that it increases the chances for a successful birth.

Also, I know that we had previously mentioned that Marisa was having an additional $400 blood test done and that we never mentioned the results, which were negative so that's a good thing. We decided to have the test done because of her Thyroid disorder, there was a chance that these "natural killer cells" could have affected embryo implantation. If you want to read more about what "natural killer cells" are you, you can check out an article here, Understanding Immunologic Implantation Dysfunction Part 1: Setting the Stage for Selective Immunotherapy with Intralipid and IVIg.

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