Tuesday, April 26, 2011


i have to say, i'm quite enjoying NOT being able to clean the litter.  obviously, i'm not pregnant yet, but yesterday the nurse lady said that as of now, I should not be cleaning the litter anymore!  sounds good to me!!  :o)

still haven't heard back from the doctor about the new synthroid medicine, of course!  grr!  i'll give them until tomorrow before i unleash my wrath... ha!

in other news, i found a list of foods that you can eat before getting pregnant if you want to have a baby girl.  now... i will be happy as long as we have a healthy baby, regardless of the sex, BUT i would prefer to have a girl.  :)  anyway, apparently if i eat fish, chocolate, and fresh fruits and veggies, i would be more likely to have a girl.  but it seems like this week, i'm doing the complete opposite!  between the brazilian steakhouse on good friday (yes, i know!) and then all the kielbasa, ham, and pork leftovers from easter, it'll never happen!

tomorrow, it's back to the usual diet... salad, carrots, edamame beans, fruit, and maybe even some sushi!

Monday, April 25, 2011


 i'm starting a blog... whoa!  didn't think i'd be doing this!  so i guess my purpose is just to document the happenings of this crazy baby making process.

today, i went in to get blood work done.  generally everything was great... minus my thyroid issue.  so now i just have to wait for the family doctor to adjust my medication.  but of course, no one can call you back when they say, so i guess i'll be calling again tomorrow.

the next step is the dye test (HSG) next tuesday.  shouldn't be too bad... i'm tough!  :)