Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I'm not going to lie, I'm emotionally attached to our blastocysts. With the failed IUI's we had no idea if any eggs were actually fertilized, but here we know they were- there are two perfect little blastocysts just trying to find a perfect little place to stick to in Marisa's body. We have a picture of them. We love them and don't even know a thing about them, and worry for their safety as if they are already our children. This is normal, right?

It's natural to be impatient, especially when you have to wait for what feels like an eternity to find out if you're pregnant. This is our 4th time now going through a 2 week wait, only this time it's actually only a 11 day wait.. which is only slightly better. Today we 6dp6dt - 6 days past 6 day transfer, and have decided to jump on the HPT (home pregnancy test) bandwagon. It was negative. While we know that a negative at this point is not something to take seriously, it is clear that we are not one of the early testers that we've read about that has gotten a positive at 5-6 days. It's a rare thing to test positive on a hpt that early, even our friends who had twins didn't test positive until day 7, and that's bc they had double the hcg. There is just something about a negative that is so.. negative. Add to that what I like to refer to as "smart phone syndrome" in which at any point I can google whatever is on my mind at that moment.. it makes it very hard to focus. Here is a recent sampling of some things that I have been googling; "crazy dreams after IVF", "bigger breasts on progesterone", "cm after IVF", "how many dpt positive HPT", and my latest "6dp6dt". I'm sure Marisa's google history is probably similar. The reality is that everyone has a different situation and not everyone is going to have the same symptoms or test positive on the same day and these are just things that you try and keep in mind when going through all of this.

Only 5 more days until the beta test.

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