Sunday, January 6, 2013

32 week ultraound and all my ailments!

So I call this week "my week of ailments"... although it's actually been more like 2 weeks.  It all started on December 22nd, the first day of my 11 day winter break at school.  I wasn't feeling so great, so I took my temperature and it was 99 degrees, I figured it was no big deal and took some tylenol.  On Sunday, my fever was a bit higher 100.5, so i called the OB and they said to just drink lots of fluids and keep taking tylenol.  The doc said that if my temp hits above 102, then I should go to see my family doctor.  Well don't ya know that on Monday the 24th, Christmas Eve, my temperature is 102.3.  So off i go to my family doctor.  By the time i get there, my fever is over 103 degrees.  Long story short, he decided to do an influenza test and I officially had the flu for the first time in my life.  I even got a flu shot this year!!  Anyway, he said I couldn't go to Christmas celebrations because I was highly contagious and so i was stuck at home and missed all the fun.  I felt like crap anyway, so even if i wasn't contagious, i probably would not have had fun.  But now here we are 14 days later and i'm still insanely congested and i barely have a voice.  And this is only the beginning of my many ailments.....

I was supposed to go to do the glucose test (for the third time) on December 29th, but they told me to stay home because I was still recovering and to go the following saturday, which would be this saturday, January 5th.  So I went yesterday and did the test.  By the time I left there I wasn't feeling quite right, but i wanted to stop at the wawa to get lunch.  Walking around the wawa, I started to get light-headed and very shaky and very warm.  I decided that I should eat something asap and not wait until i got home.  so i picked up an extra cheese stick and some grapes.  I ate them in my car on the way home, but i was still shaking when i got there.  The shaking really didn't go away until I finished eating my lunch and chilled out on the couch for a while.  I kinda figured at this point that the test result was not going to be good because i felt so awful.  Well, I got a phone call a few hours later from one of the OB docs asking if I was okay.  she said that when she looked at my bloodwork, my last blood draw was so low that I was hypoglycemic for a little bit.  I asked her about the other blood draws and she said that I had 2 abnormal results and then the last one which dropped significantly at the end.  So the doctor said that she was just checking on me but that someone would call me on Monday to set up an appointment to talk to a nutritionist.  She said that I should NOT have to take any medication to control it, which makes me think that my abnormal numbers are actually only slightly high just like they were on the last 2 tests.  So ailment number 2 is... gestational diabetes.  :(

On to ailment number 3!  for the past few weeks i've been itchy.  i know, this sounds like a pretty minor problem and you're probably thinking, "really marisa?  you're itchy?  get over it!"  it started with just my belly being itchy which is pretty normal and then I started to get itchy all over.  but i kinda figured it was just dry skin from the cold weather.  for the past 2-3 days, my hands and feet (mostly my palms and the soles of my feet) have been unusually itchy.  Then last night, my hands and feet were really really itchy.  it was almost unbearable!  So I took a shower, put lotion everywhere including slathering it all over my hands and feet, and went to bed.  When I woke up this morning, I was slightly itchy again.  so i decided to google it and what i found is that itchy hands and feet along with all-over itching with no rash could be a sign of a liver problem called cholestasis.  from what i was reading, it doesn't really affect the mother (other than the itching) but it does affect the babies if it is left untreated.  of course, by this point I was freaking out and crying.  so i called the on-call nurse and she had the doctor call me.  luckily it was one of the doctors that we like.  i explained everything to her and she told me everything that i had just read online.  she didn't want to send me out in the cold to find a place to take my blood on a sunday or send me into the hospital where i would be re-exposed to the flu.  so she said that she would have the nurse call me tomorrow so that i could set up an appointment to go in to be monitored and then they would give me the paper for the bloodwork.  she said to pay attention to the babies' movements today and if they were not moving then i should call back.  luckily, they have been moving just fine today, no more or less than usual.  in the meantime, she has already put me on the meds for the cholestasis.  

so basically, i'm still getting over the flu after two weeks, i have officially been diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and it looks like i now have a liver problem.  just a side note, gestational diabetes and cholestasis are both more common if you are having multiples.  AND cholestasis only occurs in 1 percent of pregnant women... of course, i would be in that 1 percent!

In other news, we went for the 32 week ultrasound on december 31st, and the babies were looking great.  Edyn was 4lbs 4 oz and Harrison was 4 lbs 8 oz!  That's just about 9 lbs of baby!!  :)  Then on this past friday, we went in for our first monitoring appointment.  Again we were told that they are looking good, so that makes me feel a lot better even with all these ailments!!

at the friday appointment the doc was also talking about delivery.  he said that the next time we come in, he would schedule a c-section for 38 weeks, just in case we need it.  unfortunately, Edyn (baby A) is breech.  Harrison in head down and ready to go, but it doesn't matter because she's in the way and in the wrong position.  so unless she flips or i go into labor, it looks like it will be a c-section sometime around february 11th.  only time will tell!  tomorrow marks 33 weeks!!!  :)

btw, now that you've read all this, can you believe i'm still working????   lol!

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