Sunday, January 20, 2013

weekend update! =P

Well tomorrow is 35 weeks!  Hard to believe that we made it to this point considering everything we've been through.  We're extremely grateful!  :)

So here's the short version of the update...

- I went to the gestational diabetes people last monday and now they have me eating all these carbs and proteins that I feel like I have no time to eat veggies.  My blood glucose level has been well below the cut off every time I test.  I'm still trying to eat as healthy as possible - lean meats, fruit, yogurt, etc.  But with the volume of food they want me to eat, I've gained 6 pounds in one week.  That's just ridiculous.  I'm meeting with them one more time tomorrow, and I'm going to bring that up and see what they say.  I feel like, with the diet that they put me on, I'm constantly eating.  Several times I would just cry cause I couldn't eat anymore and once I actually threw up.  SO we'll see what they say tomorrow.

- While all my liver tests came back within normal ranges, the doctors said that I most likely have a mild case of cholestasis since I still have all the symptoms.  I'm still on meds for that and they told me to take it with benadryl at night.  If that doesn't help, they will up the amount next week.

- This is my last week of work!!  yay!!  By the time my leave begins on January 28th, I will be 36 weeks.  I have to say that I'm pretty proud of myself for lasting this long teaching kindergarten AND carrying twins.  With that said, I definitely could NOT last another week!  :)

AND now the biggest news of all......

- The doctors were going to schedule a c-section at 38 weeks because of Edyn (baby A) being breech.  HOWEVER, they bumped it up to 37 weeks because of the cholestasis. SO we have officially scheduled a c-section for Monday, February 4th at 8:30 am.  That's when we will finally get to see our two little loves!  unless of course i go into labor before then.  =P

that's only 2 weeks away!!  praying for a healthy delivery of our two happy, healthy, beautiful little babies!  and here's hoping we have a productive, stress and drama free, well-rested next couple of weeks.  cause we're definitely going to need it!   :)

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