Sunday, February 19, 2012

the latest!

Here's the latest...  We had some bloodwork done on the 16th.  As a result, Andrea's Follistim doses were increased drastically.  She initially had 2 days at 225 units and then the next 5 days or so she was supposed to be down to either 75 units or 150 units.  Well after the bloodwork, she was back up to 300 units or 225 units.  My E2V shots were increased slightly from .2 to .25 .  Also, Andrea's thyroid was tested again, and it was fine this time.

The shots are painful every now and then and the side effects are annoying, but we know it's totally going to be worth it!  And I keep reminding myself of how lucky we are to be able to go through this process.  So many couples can't for many reasons, and they would love to be in this process right now no matter how painful or annoying it is.  So we are beyond grateful for this whole process!

We go in tomorrow for our ultrasounds and more bloodwork.  We like to call them "couple's ultrasounds"!  lol  it's like couple's massage, only not as fun!  If everything goes well, we'll be going to our retrieval appointment by the end of the week!

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