Wednesday, October 5, 2011

let's do this! :)

ok, so here's the rundown of the past few days.  On Monday, I went in for an ultrasound.  I had three follicles that were 13mm, 14mm, and 15mm... too small!  BUT, we were excited that there were three!!  so i went out and bought four yams, and ate them all in two days!  yams are supposed to make follicles grow, not sure if that's true or not, but why chance it?!  i had to wait until today (wednesday) to go in for another ultrasound.  well, today I have one follicle which was 21mm.  so it was definitely big enough, but we were disappointed that only one follicle matured on 100mg of clomid.  this was especially disappointing because, if you remember, on our first cycle, I made a 19mm follicle with no drugs.  so i'm questioning whether or not clomid actually works for me.

however, we're staying positive this month!  and in the spirit of staying positive, we thought of all the things that I have been doing to prepare my uterus, fallopian tubes, etc (like the castor oil packs, fertility yoga, fertility self massage, eating wheat and dairy free, and the list goes on).  we figured that follicles are only a fraction of this process.  having a healthy, happy, inviting uterus is just as important, if not more!  and my uterus is definitely healthy, happy, and inviting!  lol!  plus, our chance of conceiving is already higher since this is our third try!  so we'll be inseminating on thursday and friday.

so, here we go again!  i think we're still just as excited as we were when we tried the first time.  now we just have to stay positive, hopeful, and stress free during the impending 2ww!  :)

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